How to protect password for secure online financial services: 5 tips

In recent time, people have become habitual for online transaction by use of internet banking, mobile wallet apps etc for funds transfer, viewing account statement, various types of bill payment etc due to upsurge in the use of Internet connected devices like PC/ Laptop/ Smartphones/ Tablets etc but it has also increased the risk of stealing of our hard-earned money by cyber-criminals.


To save our hard-earned money and for safe online transactions, following tips may be adhered.

  1. Since bank or its employees never call or email you requesting for your net banking password, One Time Password (OTP), ATM or phone banking PIN, CVV number, etc. so if you encounter such incident, immediately report it to your bank.
  2. Always use strong passwords and prefer separate Username/ID/password combinations for different accounts to prevent anyone from guessing them.
  3. Change passwords of your online banking accounts periodically.
  4. Always make strong passwords with combination of alphabets in upper case and lower case, numbers and special characters. Do not use passwords such as Jan@2018, admin@123, password@123, your date of birth etc. You may make simple password very difficult by your own trick like 1234. It sounds 1234 but while writing you may write One2ThRee@4 or OneTWO@3FoUR.
  5. Always use virtual keyboards while logging into online banking services. This is specially adhered in-case you need to access net banking facility from a public computer/ cyber café or a shared computer because these computers might have key loggers installed which are designed to capture input from keyboards and could enable fraudsters to steal your username and password.

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