How to post a lengthy tweet on twitter: Thread or Tool

Twitter is the second most used micro blogging app and almost all word renowned personalities have twitter accounts and tweets there. Now a day, their popularity is measured from their tweeter followers, it looks weird but some people think so.

Twitter expanded limit from 140 characters to 280 character long back but still many of us feel embarrassed when twitter don’t allow post something exciting in details.


There are two options to post a lengthy tweet. Either you can create a thread by slicing in small pieces of message of approx. 280 characters each. Start typing the message and after 280 characters, click plus + sign near tweet button and add more text and keep writing and adding messages in this fashion till the end your write up.

Now click the button “tweet all” and publish threaded Tweets all at the same time.

The other alternative to tweet a long post is by using a free third party tool like Twit Longer. You have to login the third party tool’s site with your twitter account and then this tool allow composing your post without any limit of character. While tweeting, this tool uses few characters that fit into one tweet with a tiny link for rest of the text of tweet. As soon as someone click this tiny link, the whole text of tweet open in another window on Twit longer site.


There are so many other third party tools for long tweets, just Google it.

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